State Level Advisory Board (SLAB) :

As per the guidelines of DST, GoI, the Special Chief Secretary, ES&T department/Vice Chairman and Hon’ble Minister, EFS&T/Chairman, TGCOST-EC have approved the State Level Advisory Board (SLAB) under the Chairmanship of Dr. Rajat Kumar, IAS, Special Chief Secretary, ES&T / Vice Chairman, EC-TGCOST as under:

S. No. Name& Designation
1 Dr. Rajat Kumar, IAS, Special Chief Secretary, ES&T / Vice Chairman, TGCOST
2 Nominee of Telangana State Remote Sensing Agency (TRAC), Planning Dept.
3 Dr. N Madhusudhana Rao, CEO, Atal Incubation Centre, CCMB
4 Prof. Srinivas Nanduri, NIPER, Hyderabad
5 Dr.Muralidhar Reddy, Asso. Prof. Dept. of Chemistry, Osmania University
6 Prof. Shakeel Ahmed, Emeritus Scientist, CSIR-NGRI, Hyderabad.
7 Dr.Rakeshwar Bandichhor, Vice President and Head of Chemistry, API-PR&D, Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories
8 Sri N Narasimha Rao, MD/CEO, CLONZE Biotech
9 D Yugandhar Reddy, Founder & Chief Enabler, VREAP Foundation
10 Dr. Riyaz Syed, Chief Education Officer. VREAP Foundation