Origin of State S&T Councils
& Establishment of TGCOST in
Telangana State
  • The Department of Science & Technology (DST), Govt. of India, has a mandate for Promotion of Science & Technology at the State, District, and Village levels for grass-root development through State S&T Councils and other mechanisms.
  • Recognizing the importance of Science& Technology for the overall socio-economic development throughout the country, DST played the catalytic role of initiating State Science & Technology Councils in all the States and Union Territories on the recommendations of the National Committee on Science & Technology (NCST) and as per the directives of Planning Commission in the Sixth Five Year Plan.
  • In tune with the National Policy, the State Government established the State Council of Science & Technology on 27.01.1986 under the guidance of DST, Govt. of India.
  • The State S&T Councils act as the focal points for formulation, planning, coordination, and promotion of S&T activities and help in preparing State S&T plans, compilation, and dissemination of S&T information and popularization of Science.
  • The Government of Telangana formed the General Council and Executive Committee with eminent personalities from administrative, scientific and academic circles to govern and guide TGCOST.
  • TGCOST functions under the aegis of the Department of Environment, Forests, Science & Technology,
    Govt. of Telangana.
  • Telangana State Council of Science & Technology (TGCOST) acts as the focal point for formulation, planning, coordination, and promotion of S&T activities and helps in preparing State S&T plans, facilitating technological interventions, disseminating S&T information and injecting scientific temper. 
  • At the national level, S&T Division of NITI Ayog, Govt. of India, State Science & Technology Program (SSTP) Division of Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India provide the necessary guidelines and programmatic support to TGCOST from time to time.
  • Government of Telangana and Department of Science & Technology (DST), Govt. of India provide the program and manpower budgetary support to TGCOST.
Governing / Advisory bodies
of the S&T Council
At State Level

The Govt. of Telangana has constituted the State Council and Executive Committee of TGCOST. The Hon’ble Chief Minister is the President of the Council and the Hon’ble Minister for FES&T is the Chairman of the Executive Committee. Both the committees comprises of Experts from Government, R&D Labs, University, and Industry.
At National Level

Expert Committees constituted by Govt. of India &State Science & Technology Program (SSTP) Division of DST, GoI provide the necessary guidelines and programmatic support to State S&T Councils from time to time.