
Aim of the Scheduled Caste & Scheduled Tribe Cell (SC&ST Cell) is to provide S & T based solutions for capacity building (both institution and human capacities) and sustainable development of SC/ST communities.

The State S&T Councils may follow a bottom-up approach for gathering information on livelihood system consisting of human, natural, social, physical and financial capitals, local and indigenous knowledge and ingesting it with technological information to help in development of specific strategies for development of target beneficiaries and define policies for implementation.

The Objectives of the SC-ST Cells are envisaged as follows:
  • To assess the Livelihood System for sustainable livelihood planning through science, know-how, and practices
  • To capture traditional & indigenous knowledge and upgrade the skills, building on local innovation & local knowledge systems
  • Establishment of a database of promising technologies that can be taken up for widespread adaptation
  • Mapping of the above data and resources on a Spatial Domain
  • To act as Coordination Cell to promote adaptation of appropriate and relevant technologies for socioeconomic development of target population
  • Promotion, replication and scaling up of successful technologies leading to socio- economic empowerment and capacity building
  • Development of programs and projects for strengthening human capacities,  Institutional capacities and technology deployment
  • Implementation of programs and projects in coordination with the respective departments/agencies, etc.