The Scheduled Caste & Scheduled Tribe Cell (SC&ST Cell) at Regional Science Centre, Warangal supported by Science for Equity, Empowerment & Development (SEED) Division, Department of Science and Technology (DST), GoI will act as a nodal coordination centre and would help in mapping of livelihood system for planning of development strategies, identification of technological gaps including mapping of technological needs, formulation of research/demonstration/ projects as well as specific programmes leading to socio-economic development of the community by utilizing local resources and skills of target communities. The cell would help in integration of S&T with the planning process for SC-ST empowerment, dissemination and last mile delivery of interventions.
Location of SC& ST Cell:

The SC & ST Cell is planned in the premises of Regional Science Centre, Warangal with refurbishment of the Building Premises. This will facilitate TGCOST and SC&ST Cell to closely interact with the Target Groups in the implementation of SC&ST Cell Project Activities.

Inauguration of SC & ST Cell :
The SC & ST Cell building was inaugurated on 5th May, 2023 at Regional Science Centre (RSC), Warangal.

TGCOST is implementing the Establishment of SC&ST Cell project in association with

  • R&D Institutions
  • Academic Institutions
  • Line Departments
  • Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS)
  • Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) and
  • Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture & Fine Arts University (JNAFAU)
  • Kakatiya Urban Development Authority (KUDA)
Launch of App Logo & Book on Mapping of Science & Technology Needs of Telangana :

The JNAFAU Team, headed by Dr. Ravi Kiran, HOD – Digital Technology, launched the App, “TGCOST Geospatial Survey App” incorporating the Questionnaires prepared by CESS & TISS. Dr. Gopikrishna, Scientist – DST launched the Logo of the App on 5th May 2023 at SC & ST Cell, RSC, Warangal.. The App will be used to collect the survey data with GIS-based location system for tracking of the survey.

The JNAFAU Team, headed by Dr. Ravi Kiran, HOD – Digital Technology, launched the App, “TGCOST Geospatial Survey App” incorporating the Questionnaires prepared by CESS & TISS. Dr. Gopikrishna, Scientist – DSTlaunched the Logo of the App on 5th May 2023 at SC & ST Cell, RSC, Warangal.. The App will be used to collect the survey data with GIS-based location system for tracking of the survey.