Salient Features of NCSC:
  • NCSC is organized at three levels i.e. District Level, State Level, and National Level.
  • A focal theme is announced for the CSC by the NCSTC, DST, Govt. of India. Children are expected to carry out the projects related to the focal theme and the identified subthemes.
  • A group of children not exceeding two can do the project with the help of scientists, school teachers, coordinators of the school, etc. The teachers / guides receive special orientation on the theme of the CSC every year.
  • The interested Children in the age group of 10-17 years will undertake innovative projectwork for presentation at the District Level Congress, and best projects selected at District Level will participate at the State Level Congress.
  • As per the quota fixed to our state, 13 best projects will be chosen for presentation at National Level Children's Science Congress (NCSC).
  • Two projects out of the 13 best projects will become eligible for participation in Indian Science Congress.