  • To provide a forum to the children to pursue their natural curiosity and to quench their thirst for creativity.
  • To effect a change in the way science is taught and learnt at schools, by relating the learning process to the physical and social environment and around.
  • To stimulate scientific temperament and learning the scientific methodology for observations, collection of data, experiment analysis and then arriving at conclusions.
  • To encourage children throughout the Country to visualize the future of the Nation and help in building a generation of sensitive, responsible citizens.
3-tier program:

The NCSC is chalked out a 3-tier program i.e. at District, State and National Levels. Every academic year, District Level Competitions are held with the presentation of projects and selection for the State Level Presentation is done. State Level Presentations are held for identifying the best projects for participation at the National Level. Quota for Telangana State is 13 projects for participation at the National Level. The presentations are done before eminent scientists and academicians. Best two projects out of the 13 projects shall also participate in the Indian Science Congress (ISC) held every year.

Work plan for the NCSC every year :
State Level Workshop for Resource Teachers August
Orientation Programs to the teachers August
District Level CSCs    October
State Level CSC November
National Level CSC December
Indian Science Congress January