STI Activities / Other Programs
Telangana State Council of Science & Technology (TGCOST) is encouraging the Science, Technology & Innovation Activities and other programs to rationalize the Council Thrust Areas. Visits to other State S&T Councils helps to observe the facilities of S&T of other states and to interact with the officials of S&T on schemes and programs and for exchange of information between the States, which strengthens the relations with other State S&T Councils. Focus on collaborations, in order to widen the scope of S&T Programs / Projects. The State Council is collaborating with State / National / International Level public and private institutions. The Council is effectively sponsoring for the Awareness Programs on Intellectual property Rights (IPRs) in different Universities & Research Institutions. The State Council supports the Innovation, Technology Transfer and Skill Development for the benefit of Industrialists / Start Ups etc. through several Universities and Research Institutions. The State Council is enthusiastically conducting various activities under Popularisation of Science & Science Communication.