  • To create awareness and promote the importance of mathematics in everyday life.
  • To inspire students to pursue higher education in mathematics and related fields
  • To recognize the contributions of great mathematicians like Ramanujan to the field of mathematics.
  • To eradicate the phobia of Mathematics in the younger generation

TGCOST acts asa nodal agency and implementing NMD program every year in association with Universities, National R&D Laboratories, Institutes etc., under the following broad focus areas.

  • Seminars, workshops, conferences, competitions, quiz, face to face meeting with experts, sessions on fun with mathematics, training programs, exhibitions, outreach programs, sessions on importance of mathematics/science in complex problem solving algorithm development etc.,
  • To promote minor research programmes or to support for innovations in established and emerging technologies or Independent research activity which can lead to growth of knowledge/process in an area
  • To encourage students to consider self-employment as a career option and provide training through Entrepreneurship Development Programs or short Term Research Studentship to encourage them to familiarize with research methodologies & techniques.
  • Studies / surveys leading to identification of S&T interventions for modernization including awareness programs or to evaluate the status and performance of technology in selected sectors/areas.