
The following methodologies are adopted for implementation of the activities of SC&ST Cell:

  • Surveys and studies are planned in the First Year about the avocations and socio-economic conditions of these places.
  • GIS based Planning Platform is planned duly mapping the survey data of the Project Areas.
  • This GIS based Planning Platform, in addition to being a dynamic/ real-time end-to-end cloud-based solution, shall have the features to project the minimum needs of the target population (village-wise).
  • This Platform shall also possess the features to analyse Human, Agricultural, Biological, Ecological, Mineral and Educational Resources available in the respective project areas and bring into focus/ generate a list of potential opportunities for S&T interventions. 
  • Apart from this, in the beginning of the Project, an Android based App is proposed to be developed for capturing the survey data.
  • Fine tuning of the GIS based Planning Platform and a Decision Support System based on a number of parameters shall be created.
  • SC&ST Cell Project in the II Year shall result in finalizing the Action Plan of the S&T Interventions to be introduced.
  • Consultations with Expert Institutions, Planners, and District Administrations shall take place during this period on the implementation mechanism.
  • Training Programs, S&T Interventions and Awareness Generation Activities shall be implemented for the target population.
  • SC&ST Cell Project in its III year shall witness implementation of all the targeted Training Programs, S&T Interventions & Awareness Generation Activities in association with the respective Institutions.
  • S&T interventions to be introduced, Areas of Skill Development Training, Awareness Generation, Addressing Basic Needs shall be identified during Phase I and will be imparted in Phase II.