Welcome to TGCOST

The Government of Telangana formed the General Council and Executive Committee for the Telangana State Council of Science & Technology. TGCOST functions under the aegis of the Department of Environment, Forests, Science & Technology, Govt. of Telangana.

The State S&T Councils act as the focal points for formulation, planning, coordination, and promotion of S&T activities and help in preparing State S&T plans, compilation, and dissemination of S&T information and popularization of Science.

DST played the catalytic role of sensitising the State Governments/ UTs for initiating State Science & Technology Councils on the recommendations of the National Committee on Science & Technology (NCST) and as per the directives of Planning Commission in the Sixth Five Year Plan.

State S&T Councils are supported by the Department of Science & Technology (DST), Govt. of India in accordance with its mandate and major responsibility of Promotion of Science & Technology at the State, District, and Village levels for grass-root development through State S&T Councils and other mechanisms.